Monday, November 12

Thoughts on Apologies

When is it appropriate to "let sleeping dogs lie" and when is it appropriate to "make amends"? A situation recently presented itself where I was notified I had offended someone. This person had gone to someone, who then told someone else, who told someone else, who told me that I had offended this person. I was so shocked upon learning this, I almost chocked on the Chick Fil A sandwich I was eating. The offended had NEVER even so much as hinted at there being an issue. I was a little confused and a lot sad about this new information. I had occasion to have another interaction with the offended and did my best to act natural with no indication anything was wrong. And to be honest, I felt like everything was OK. Of course, prior to this interaction, I'd thought the same thing....Anyway, after my last interaction with the offended, I was told that it would be a good idea to reach out and apologize to the offended and try to make amends. This was beyond me. I didn't think it was necessary because number one, the offended didn't come to me to express their frustration and number two things seemed "ok" at my last interaction with them. Nevertheless, I was asked to make contact and amends. I spent time in prayer prior to reaching out and asked the Lord to speak for me. I asked that my speech be full of grace and seasoned with salt. I asked for Him to prepare the offended and then I reached out. As I expected, when the offended answered the phone, pleasantries were exchanged and our interactions seemed to me to be normal. And then I launched into my prayed over speech, apologizing for whatever I may have done that was perceived as offensive. They quickly became short, distant, and well, in my opinion, rude. They said "it's fine" and "it was no big deal" but never accepted or thanked me for the apology. It was evident that they were uncomfortable. I again apologized and got off the phone. It left me thinking: Was it better to apologize and try to make amends, or should I have let sleeping dogs lie? I personally think I should have let well enough alone, but in this situation, the decision was out of my hands. (if you haven't been able to tell, this is all a situation that happened at work). In life, what do you do? Do you make amends and apologize when you have been told you offended someone?

Love, Mrs. M.

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