Tuesday, November 13

Thoughts on the cold weather

It's unusually cool in Texas today. Work up and it was 30 degrees on the dot. Every time it gets cold, I feel unprepared. My winter blanket is stuffed and tucked somewhere I can't find. My sweaters are stiff and honestly a little bit stinky from being in the closet for so long. I can't find my thick socks and the air conditioner is still on in the apartment. Yesterday, it was chilly as well, and I couldn't fine any socks-thick or otherwise- so while I wore close toes shoes, I had no socks on and my feet froze. Last night, I dug until I some socks and am glad to have them on today. :) I really do enjoy the cool/cold weather. It's so miserably hot over the summers, that the coolness of winter is a welcome visitor who never stays long enough in this girl's mind. Cold weather means cute scarves/gloves, warm coco with marshmallows, and plenty of cuddles with my sweetheart. He's started listening to Christmas music and asked me if I listened to it. I told him no, that I'm old school and don't listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving. However, to be honest, if it stays cool, I might cave. It makes me long for "Frosted window panes, candles gleaming inside, painted candy canes, on the tree..."   Love, Mrs. M.

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