Friday, November 16

Thoughts on my birthday

My birthday is coming up. I have a history of having a love/hate relationship with my day of birth. That might sound weird, but it's true. While I love that I was born and am thankful for my life, because my birthday is so close to a holiday (and actually falls on a holiday every 7 years), it, at times, gets over looked. I was rarely in school and now I'm rarely at work on my birthday and because of this, people tend to forget. Not that I am mad a them for this, I mean, there is a lot going on around this time of year. But still, my day of birth often feels like another day, nothing special. I remember growing up, there was a rule of sorts in our home: you didn't have to do any chores on your birthday. It was your day to be off. It didn't matter if it was your turn to do the dishes or fold clothes. It didn't matter if your room needed to be cleaned or you were supposed to dust, on your birthday, someone else did those things. I looked forward to that! :) A sweet friend who lives far away texted me this week to ask if I had any big birthday plans, and of course, I don't. My birthday's on a Sunday, so that means I'll wake up, go to church, go to my grandma's for lunch, and then head home. However, this year, I'm excited about something. It's not my birthday exactly, but what my birthday represents- what every birthday represents: a new year.  I don't make "New Year's Resolutions" on January 1st. I did before, but not in some time. But this year, in my mind, my birthday, November 25th, represents a new year: my 28th year of life. So, I'm looking forward. The Apostle Paul said "But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God had called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." That's my prayer for this next year of my life: I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called...

Love, Mrs. M.

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