Wednesday, April 11

Should I or Shouldn't I??

Many of you know (actually, all of you, because I'm pretty sure I blogged about it once upon a time..) that I "quit" facebook awhile back due to a conviction of it being a vanity in my life. I felt that i was spending too much time surfing and not enough time in spiritual things. At first, it was freeing. I liked not getting the e-mails from facebook telling me so and so commented or that this person had sent me a game request (are facebook games even popular still?). But as time has gone on, I have, at times, felt that I miss out on things because it's the primary way of communication for some people. There are people whom I was, what I thought, "friends" with, but since not being on facebook, have only spoken to maybe a handful of times...maybe. It's actually more like 2 or 3 times. And then there is the times that my family has invited people to something and I find out after the fact and I'm told "Oh, well, I put it on facebook". And most recently, there have been times with my job that pervious families have said "did you see my family photos on facebook?" and of course, no, I didn't see them.

My sweet mama has allowed me to...use...her facebook to catch up with some people, but I have been wondering it time for me to jump back in? Have I learned how to balance facebook and spiritual things? Will I regret joining facebook again? Am I over thinking this?

So, I'm trying to decide..should I, or shouldn't I?

 Love, Mrs. M.


  1. I say you should! You can turn off the notifications so your email is not bombarded with them and you can be at least somewhat selective about what shows up in your news feed so it is more what you want to see from people. If it starts becoming consuming again, you could always set a timer or something so you aren't on it for too long. I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures of your nephew showing up on there in a couple of months! Just some thoughts!

  2. I agree with Robin. Make the decision that you are only gonna spend a certain amount of time a day on it and be committed to that. You will enjoy all of the reasons you mentioned above! Love you! Mom
