Monday, April 2

Catch up with photos

The month of March blew by! Here are some photos to catch everyone up! (PS I posted these in reverse order!!)

Last weekend, my sweet husband and I traveled to Galveston for his band Joshua Experience to preform.

It was a quick trip-there and back within 14 hours! But, it was nice.

Thursday before our trip, my sweet and I had fun with my lil munchin!

She's sweet!

I was able to complete an adoption on the 21st in Houston. It was beautiful and special! This is a photo from the ceremony.

The weekend of the 16th, my sweet and I went to the GMA House Party for me to do a lil talk about my job. For old times sake, I had him take my picture on the camp sign. This is the camp I went to twice a year fro 3rd grade til 12th!

And...we started the month by going to a concert at the Meyerson in downtown Dallas.

In addition to all of this, we "squeezed" in a work day at my Grandma's for her birthday, a trip to Corpus and back (for my job!) and  went to buy me a new pair of glasses. I haven't had a new pair in about 7 years. I thought it was about time! (Photos to come when they come in!!)

Good month overall. Busy busy busy, but good!

Love, Mrs. M.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are blogging again. Even though we live close, I love reading about what you write. Love you guys bunches!
