Monday, June 13

Thoughts on the past month

Wow, I can't believe it's literally been a month since I posted something. I guess a lot has been going on. But then again, not a lot has been going on. I could fill volumes with things that go on in my life, both work and on personal levels, but I wanted to use this blog as an insight into the rare and exciting things I do. This past month has not had very many of those moments I guess. As I'm blogging, I'm going to use my Google calendar to assist me in filling you guys in. The lame thing is, when I opened my Google calendar, the only thing showing was my Bills calendar which shows me due dates for everything...that's uber lame in my opinion! Anywho, work has kept me on my toes lately. It kinda amazes me that I've been in my current position for one year, I've been at this agency for 3 1/2 years, and I've been a college graduate for 4 years. I was recently catching up with a friend who asked me if I thought I'd stay at TBH forever. Had she asked me a year ago, my answer would have been a no brainer : NO CHANCE. But, I'm now in a position that I absolutely love! Today, I realized it was 4:40 and I got kinda sad. Weird, I know, but I am L-O-V-I-N-G my job so much that I want to stay late, learn more, and work harder. Working with so many different families who are in so many different parts of their journey keeps me constantly wanting to be better at what I do FOR THEM. In recent months, I've found myself perusing the adoption section at Half Price Books looking for educational books FOR ME. I catch myself, when I'm trying to fall asleep, thinking about ways to encourage a family because the process is being stubborn or because the attachment is slower then "it should be", whatever that means. So, will I be at TBH forever, I don't know. I told a sweet friend this past Saturday, I want to be where the Lord wants me. If that's TBH, I'm OK with that. If that's somewhere else, I'm OK with that too.  

In just 13 short days, the hubs and I will mark our 1st anniversary of being married!! I also can't believe it's been a year since I held his hand and promised to be his wife. Just thinking about that day gives me butterflies and smiles. That day was truly the happiest of my life. Laughing, dancing, crying, laughing, kissing, and laughing some more. I never dreamed, per say, about my wedding day. I had ideas, but not dreams. Well, I did have a dream (who am I Martin Luther King??). My dream of my wedding day was that it was FUN. Above all else, I wanted it to be a fun party. And for me, it was. I mean, seriously, if this isn't the face of a woman having fun, I don't know what is!
Oh, how I'd do anything to have chosen a different wedding photographer. My one and only regret about the wedding....

Claire is growing like a weed. She's such a joy. About a month ago, I picked her up on my 1/2 day and she and I went to the Red Oak City Park. It was quite hot, so we only stayed about 45minutes. She is not a fan of walking alone in the grass...OK, she's not a fan of the grass, alone or not, but she DID find the woodchips quite interesting. See....

I always wonder what she's thinking...

Love, Mrs. M.

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