Monday, June 20

Thoughts on cooking

When I got married, I wanted to be a cook. I knew that I probably wouldn't be a good one, because I have never really done much cooking, but I figured, Hey, I can learn. Before me wedding, I had my mom get me a menu (I think she actually put it in my stocking at Christmas) and I was pretty diligent about keeping up with it...for awhile. I still use, occasionally, but more often then not, I resort to "What do I FEEL like eating tonight" and the answer is almost always "eating out" because once I get home, the last thing I want to do is wait to cook...that's IF there is something already ready TO cook. Most often, the meat is still in the freezer.  My poor husband. I hate this about myself. I have tried looking up recipes and that helps me get motivated to BUY the necessary items at the store, but that, sadly, does NOT translate into me cooking it once home. A few months ago, we were at my father in law's house and they had a KRAFT magazine that had all them yummy sounding recipes. My father in law's wife told me that I could go online to and sign up to receive e-mails with new recipes. This is a place I've recently received many inspirations from this site. Things such as Penne Pasta Skillet and One Pot Herb Crusted Pork Chops sounds wonderful. So, why in the world can I NOT find the motivation to cook them?? So, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to set aside one night a week, I'm thinking Wednesday's, to be my try a new recipe night and I will commit to blogging about it. I hope this will challenge me to cook for my man. I will need you my blogger family and friends to hold me accountable to doing this. Will you help me??????????

Love, Mrs. M.

PS- If you have any recipes you think I (or my husband) might enjoy, send em my way! I'm looking for mainly meat based meals with one, maybe two sides. 


  1. Can't wait to see what is served tomorrow~~ Love you!

  2. It all goes back to the lazy gene we talked about today...I swear some times it takes over my whole body! I have been cooking like crazy since being off for summer...wonder how that will change come August 16th :)
    (BTW, I posted on MY blog tonight!)
