Wednesday, February 2

Thoughts on being "snowed in"

So, Monday night/Tuesday morning, DFW got "hit" with quite the little winter storm. Ice pellets, wind gusts and below freezing temperature have kept my husband and I home for work for the past two days. It's been a nice break from the daily grind, but I keep thinking of all the things I could be doing such as typing up a home study, preparing for a home visit that I've had to postpone because of the storm, do a little grocery shopping, get a pedicure (I can dream, right!). Yesterday, we didn't leave the house. Today, we had to run to my parents, but returned as quick as we could. The temperature gauge in my car read, at it's lowest, 22 degrees, at it's highest, 31. Allow me to show you a photo from our recent trip to Colorado:

This was at 1pm on Thanksgiving day. And it doesn't include the wind chill, which I'm sure was substantial. While we were in Colorado, this seemed very cold, but we still got out and about. Maybe that's because we were tourists. I don't know. But I do know that we were not the only ones out and about. Most of the town was out and about. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "Yes, well, they're used to it." or "They just know how to drive in it because they do it all the time" and I would 100% agree with you. Don't get me wrong, I live in Texas, and as a TEXAN the weather should not be as it has been the past 2 days!!! I'm digressing...

Back to being snowed in: Yesterday, we watched the TV show The Unit. We love this show. We also watched "Up In the Air" which I had gotten from Christmas and haven't been able to watch yet. All in all, it was a "good" day. Today, we were bored and flipped through "daytime" TV for as long as we could (Really only watching The Price is Right" and "Jeopardy" and then we started watching "Jurassic Park". My husband has all three and I had never even made it through the first one. Way creepy. But today, we watched all three. And I'm sufficiently freaked out and very thankful that My very loving and gracious Father chose to have those creatures leave this earth BEFORE He had me roam it. I just don't see how I could have coexisted with those things! Eek!!!

Today, my husband made this for me out of photos we took on our Colorado trip. He's so talented!!

One last thing, while on the way home from my parents, I heard this song on the radio. It was so awesome, I came straight home, looked it up on YouTube and proceeded to buy it from I hope you enjoy it like I did!

Love, Mrs. M.

1 comment:

  1. Now we just need to watch every other trilogy I own.

    Indiana Jones.
    Star Wars (new and old).
    Lord of the Rings.
    Die Hard.
    Lethal Weapon.
    Back to the Future.
    Death Trilogy (Amores perros, 21 Grams, Babel).
    Spider Man.
    Starship Troopers.
