Friday, January 28

Thoughts on being an "Alumni"

So, last night, my husband and I went to a Dallas Mavericks game. We sat in a comfortable suite with lots of leg space, free food of fajitas, hot dogs, chicken tenders, chili cheese nachos, fruit, popcorn, chips and salsa, and strawberry short cake. During the half time, we went down the hall to a dessert cart that had at least 5 different kinds of cake, 3 different cookies which are the size of my face, caramel apples, vanilla ice cream with chocolate, strawberry, and caramel topping, and I'm sure there were more items I didn't see. I heard that there was a complimentary masseuse, but I never saw one. The suite was on the Admiral Level of the AAC. All in it, it was awesome. I had never been to a Mavericks game so I didn't know what to expect, but whatever expectations I did have in the back of my mind were blown away when I arrived. Now, you may be wondering how we got to go to such an elaborate suite. One word: Alumni You see, mine and my husband's university had reserved two suites at the game because one of the schools musical ensemble was playing before the game (in the AT&T Plaza where WFAA is located) and on the court at 7:05 before the 7:30 tip off. When my husband was in school, he was a member of this ensemble, called Winds of Triumph, and since graduating, he has stayed in touch with the director of WOT, Mr. Goacher. Well, about 3 weeks ago, Mr. Goacher contacted my husband to tell him the exciting news about playing at the AAC. Through many conversations, my husband learned that the University Alumni Association had tickets to the game. We figured they would just be in the stands, probably pretty high up, but still we thought "what the hey, could be a good date night". So I called to ask about tickets and lo and behold, they were to the suite!!!! I was blown away. We made plans to attend and arrived at the AAC like 2 hours before the game to look around and mingle with old friends. While there, we were able to speak with the new president of good ol HPU and I asked him "How did y'all get the word out about this event?" and with a straight face he says to me "Well, we kinda went through and hand picked people to come. You know, people who are good donors and such." I said something along the lines of "Well, thank you for doing this, it sure is a lot of fun." and he moved on his merry little way. Once he'd walked off, I turned to my husband and said "I bet I really threw them for a loop when I called to ask about it. They probably thought 'Crap how did this person find out!'". We laughed it off, thankful that however it worked out, that we were there.  As time grew closer for the game to start, many prospective students began showing up and come to find out, not only had the school gotten the suites but also they'd bought tickets for some prospective students and their families. I met one girl who is a trumpet player and wants to be a grief counselor, so she was looking at being in both the music programs and the psychology program. My husband and I were able to strike up a conversation because, well, he's a trumpeter and I was a part of the psychology program in school. We shared the highs of Brownwood and some of the lows, trying to paint a real picture, but at the end, the parents both appeared to be very impressed with the school and the programs they had to offer. I hope that sweet girl goes to HPU.

Up until this point my husband and I have not "paid it forward" in the way of donating to our university. Am I more inclined to do so after last night? Yes!  Will we start? I don't know.

Love, Mrs. M.

PS: HPU Alumni, Winds of Triumph will be playing at a Houston Rockets basketball game in February, I believe it will be the 26th. I heard last night that they will be renting out a suite that day as well, so if you're interested, call the Alumni Office and see about getting tickets!!!