Thursday, January 27

Thoughts on the Holy Spirit

I have been a believer in and follower of Jesus Christ since I was 8 years old. As a now 26 year old, it would stand to reason that I would be an "expect" of sorts in my walk with the Lord. Yet, here I am, again, trying to discern what He's trying to tell me. I long to be able to understand what the stirring in my spirit means. Does it mean that the current course is not the one He wants? Or does it mean that in my flesh, I'm simply scared/nervous/anxious about the upcoming path? How can you tell? I know that James says to ask for wisdom (James 1:5) and I do, regularly, but still I feel unsure.  Just now, I have what I can "anxious buterflies" inside and I can't figure out what they mean. Do you ever have trouble discerning what the Spirit is leading you to do or say? Do you struggle with whether it's your flesh or spirit prompting you? I do.

When I read the scriptures, I see so many individuals who had amazing confidence in the Spirit. They say things like "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness." (Romans 8:26) and I can't help but feel those words were meant for ME. So often, I turn to friends, family, and my husband for strength and guidance when I'm in a "weakness" but Paul is super clear that it is the SPIRIT who helps us. Now, I"m not saying that seeking Godly wisdom from friends and family are, in themselves, a "bad" thing. But, I wonder, how would my life look if I sought my wisdom from the Spirit. First Corinthians 2:11-13 says that no one knows they thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. I am therefore left to reason that if I want to know/understand the "thoughts" of God (i.e. His plan for my life, the path He wishes for me to travel) then I MUST become better as listening to and discerning His Spirit. 

Love, Mrs. M.

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