Wednesday, February 23

Thoughts on Psalm 147:3

When I was in college, I spent one summer in a small town outside of Houston, TX working as a Children's Minister. It was a wonderful summer to be truthful. The Lord allowed me to experience many new things that summer, and He also shared with me many verses, which at the time were very applicable to certain life situations I was in. I remember thinking "He wrote that just for me".  One of these verses was Psalm 147:3 "He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds".  At the time, I was "getting over" a guy who now means nothing to me. But at the time, it was one of my first "relationships" and I thought of my was so hard. It really wasn't, just felt that way. I felt broken hearted so the truth of Psalm 147 rang loud in my ear.  I would pray and cry out to God to be faithful to this promise, and He was.  Over the years, I've experienced more and more "heart break", but honestly, not because of a romantic relationship.  The fall semester following that summer, I met my husband, and although we didn't start dating for about a year, I think I knew we would end up together. He was so loving and compassionate to me during those 12 months prior to us dating, I knew there was something special about him.

Back to being broken hearted. So, my heart break has come for other areas: seeing friends lose loved ones. The constant turmoil in our country leaving so many people groups vulnerable (children, elderly, middle class, etc). Once again my heart to learning what it means to be broken hearted. Last week, my husband and I were in a Barnes and Noble killing time when I saw a note pad with this verse on it. It immediately made me think of a friend who has been going through a lot lately. How she feels broken hearted and longs for someone to bind up her wounds. Think of what that looks like: I think of a surgeon who is sowing together an open chest or wound. That's what God does for us. It's what He PROMISES to do for us. What a great comfort comes to me because of this truth!!

I am so thankful for my Great Physician who Heals and Binds Up Wounds! Are you??
Love, Mrs. M.

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