Wednesday, February 16

Thoughts on Valentine's Day

So, I know it's like 2 days late, but here is my thoughts on this day.  I honestly LOVE it! (pun intended) Who wouldn't enjoy a day where you celebrate your special connections with others? I think that if you are a person who "doesn't believe in" or "agree with" or "thinks it's a day made up by candy makers and jewelers" then I wonder, do you celebrate Mother's Day/Father's Day? How about Easter or Christmas? What about any other holiday?

The argument that I hear most often from a person who doesn't observe Valentine's day is that you shouldn't need to have a "special" day to show your significant other how much you care about them. Well, couldn't the same be said about all holidays? Shouldn't we Celebrate our Lord's birth and mourn His death daily? Shouldn't I love on my parents the other 364 days a year? Well of course the answer to these questions is "Yes, I should". But do I? No, not always. That's why it's so important that once a year, we take the time to show all these people just how much they mean to us and just how appreciative we are of all they've done for us over the years. That's what Valentine's day is to me. It's a day for my husband to show me in an extra special way how much I mean to him. That's why the photo he gave me meant so much. He knows that passage in scripture is my mantra some days. As I put in my original post, I believe we are to LIVE the love Paul speaks about in Corinthians. My personal favorite is the beginning of Vs. 8 "Love never fails". I once heard it said "This means love never flunks out". I loved the imagery of this statement. Now, my husband could have used that quote "Love never fails" because he knew it was my favorite. However, he chose to use the statement that meant the most to him "Love endures all things". To some this may seem like it's the same saying just with different words, but I know God is very intentional about the use of words in scripture, so I believe Paul is talking about two different instances. In our marriage, I know it means two different things. "Love never fails" means that if I love you, I never leave or even threaten to leave. "Love endures all things" means, no matter what we go through: times of prosperity or times of poverty, times of joy or times of strife, we endure it.

The online Webster dictionary had this definition of "endure": To remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding." What a beautiful picture of how my husband loves me! I truly believe this is the best Valentines Day present he's given me to date. I can't wait to see what next year has in store!!

Love, Mrs. M.

PS- Just to brag on him a little bit, I also got a dozen BEAUTIFUL white roses, a box of chocolates, and he made dinner for me Monday night. Nothing fancy, just tostadas, but to me, it was better then Craftwood Inn!!

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