Wednesday, April 11

Should I or Shouldn't I??

Many of you know (actually, all of you, because I'm pretty sure I blogged about it once upon a time..) that I "quit" facebook awhile back due to a conviction of it being a vanity in my life. I felt that i was spending too much time surfing and not enough time in spiritual things. At first, it was freeing. I liked not getting the e-mails from facebook telling me so and so commented or that this person had sent me a game request (are facebook games even popular still?). But as time has gone on, I have, at times, felt that I miss out on things because it's the primary way of communication for some people. There are people whom I was, what I thought, "friends" with, but since not being on facebook, have only spoken to maybe a handful of times...maybe. It's actually more like 2 or 3 times. And then there is the times that my family has invited people to something and I find out after the fact and I'm told "Oh, well, I put it on facebook". And most recently, there have been times with my job that pervious families have said "did you see my family photos on facebook?" and of course, no, I didn't see them.

My sweet mama has allowed me to...use...her facebook to catch up with some people, but I have been wondering it time for me to jump back in? Have I learned how to balance facebook and spiritual things? Will I regret joining facebook again? Am I over thinking this?

So, I'm trying to decide..should I, or shouldn't I?

 Love, Mrs. M.

Tuesday, April 3

And the Rains Came Dooowwwnnnnn!!

So, it rained here today. It rained a lot.

And then...we had tornados...

And then it rained some more. With some hail this time..

I'm soo thankful!! I hope praying and hoping this will be the year of water to replenish the scorched lands from last summer!!

Thank you God for making all things news-even grass and trees and flowers and ME!

Love, Mrs. M.

Monday, April 2

Catch up with photos

The month of March blew by! Here are some photos to catch everyone up! (PS I posted these in reverse order!!)

Last weekend, my sweet husband and I traveled to Galveston for his band Joshua Experience to preform.

It was a quick trip-there and back within 14 hours! But, it was nice.

Thursday before our trip, my sweet and I had fun with my lil munchin!

She's sweet!

I was able to complete an adoption on the 21st in Houston. It was beautiful and special! This is a photo from the ceremony.

The weekend of the 16th, my sweet and I went to the GMA House Party for me to do a lil talk about my job. For old times sake, I had him take my picture on the camp sign. This is the camp I went to twice a year fro 3rd grade til 12th!

And...we started the month by going to a concert at the Meyerson in downtown Dallas.

In addition to all of this, we "squeezed" in a work day at my Grandma's for her birthday, a trip to Corpus and back (for my job!) and  went to buy me a new pair of glasses. I haven't had a new pair in about 7 years. I thought it was about time! (Photos to come when they come in!!)

Good month overall. Busy busy busy, but good!

Love, Mrs. M.