Monday, April 25

Thoughts on Easter

I think Easter may be one of my favorite holidays. Christmas gets a lot of hype, all the holiday parties and music I think contribute to this. But Easter is so beautiful. The idea that Sunday comes, and everything is new. It's spring, so the grass is (hopefully) green, trees are (hopefully) blooming, and the weather is (usually) nice...not to hot, not to cold. This year, with my sister having a little one, we had an Easter egg hunt for the first time in years at my Grandma's. It was so sweet watching Claire tottle around the yard picking up one egg after another. It was so sweet the way she'd pick it up, and promptly hand it over to my sister, her mother.

Now, of course I know my niece hunting eggs is not what Easter is all about. But I do think that perhaps there is some symbolism in the way society has commercialized Easter. You see, as humans, we are constantly hunting for eggs to fill us. Hunting for shiny eggs, bright eggs, big eggs...well, you get the idea. And Easter is a time for us to refocus and see that the ultimate egg is all of these things in one... It's Christ. It's the one who we sing about and celebrate at Christmas, we mourn and remember on Good Friday and we rejoice and revel in on Easter Sunday.  Yes the Blood it is my Victory!! 

My husband and I were talking on Friday about why the cross is the emblem of Christianity that has been through the ages.  I mean, the Blood IS my victory, and I'm sooo thankful for the blood of Jesus. But the story DOESN'T END THERE!! It's not just the blood that's my victory. What about the rest of the story? What about the empty tomb? The stone that was rolled away? The RISEN SAVIOR? That empty tomb, I believe, is also my Victory. On Sunday morning in church, we sang a hymn that I had never heard before, but it has quickly become a favorite of mine!

Thank you Savior for dying, for rising, and for living again!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!!

Love, Mrs. M.

1 comment:

  1. I deprived you of knowing a great song then my daughter because I have heard this since I was a child... LOL. I actually posted the words on my Facebook status on Friday!. I love that my Lord died on the cross for my sins but you are oh so correct - the cross paid for the sins but the RISEN Savior gives me life everlasting! I love you so much!
