Friday, March 18

Thoughts on today

Today, my husband and I went out with my sister, brother in law and niece. We went to take some pictures of her for her 1st birthday. I can't believe she turns one in a month!!! This year has flown by. While we were out, my sis made the comment about my husband and I not being on facebook but blogging instead. I said something to the effect of Yeah, but it's not like anyone reads/comments on it. My brother in law said that he thought I might get offended if people were to comment on my life. I am not sure what gives him (and maybe you) the impression that I don't want comments. But let me be very clear:  I LOVE reading your thoughts on my thoughts! That's why I often ask questions in my posts, hoping that you will comment. I know I'm pretty verbose in my blog, and that it might be hard to stick it out and read the full thing, but I still enjoying reading your thoughts! So, I hope this gives you the permission you need to comment on my life and know that I will not be offended!!

On a much lighter note, here are a few of the pictures from today! I tell you right now, I had the best time taking her pictures today!!! Isn't she precious???

Love, Mrs. M.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard for me to believe she is fixing to be a year old also... seems like only yesterday that her momma and her aunts were this small. I love how creative Pedro is... he is such an awesome photographer - among other things!!! Love you so much.
