Friday, March 11

Thoughts on moving on...

How do you know when it’s time to move on from a situation, whatever it may be? Whether it’s a friendship that continues to discourage and disappoint you, a job that Is not quite meeting your expectations, or a hobby that is not worth while: how can you determine if you’re restless because God’s trying to do something bigger or if you’re restless because Satan’s trying to stop you from doing something big? This is such a fine line.

I feel very strongly that I am supposed to start Grad school this summer. But, is this the right time to do this? I mean, I’m working full time and I generally enjoy my job. However, is it feasible/realistic to work full time plus go to Grad school full time? I thought it was, then I had lunch with a girl who is currently going to UTA and all she could talk about is how hard it is and how she doesn’t know how I’m going to do it working full time. I mean, what am I supposed to say to that? And here comes the question: Is God showing me, through her, that this is not the right time for me to start or is Satan trying to distract and discourage me because he knows I’m onto something big?

If you have a word of encouragement or a scripture that you think might be applicable to this, please share. I could really use something right about now…

Love, Mrs. M.


  1. Everything else aside, I think that if it is truly your desire to complete grad school then you are completely capable of doing it on your own. That being said, you won't be doing it on your own. I am here to help you. You know other people in your same situation that have taken on the same task and support you as well. Not everyone's experience is the same. Remember when everyone told us Logan's in Waxahachie was crap? We could have listened but our experience was great! Only later, months later, did others come back. Don't miss out on a great thing because someone else's experience may have been a turd in the punch bowl. Your punch is good, so don't let the turd of discouragement in there! Be confident and you are halfway there!

  2. I would like to see you go for the prize... you have long sought this goal and I firmly believe that Satan is trying to "scare you" into not pursuing your dream. DREAM ON! Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye." Love Mom

  3. Hi Friend. :) I figured I'd check out your blog since I never had before!! I wanted to offer you some encouragement and maybe even challenge you some.

    As you know, I did full time grad school and full time work there at TBH. At that time, it was just Jami and me. The truth is it was hard. Some days very hard. That being said though, I knew for a fact I was doing as Christ told me to. It is so easy to fall into the thinking that the things of God will be easy. Scripture acutally says the opposite of that often. James is very clear that we are to consider it pure JOY when we face many trials of many develops perseverance. I could go on and on...

    I can look back now and know without a shadow of a doubt that it was Him and ONLY Him who got me through those 2 years of my life (I mean, my whole life..but you know what I mean). I simply could NOT have done it on my own strength.

    It can be so tough distinguishing between what God wants, what's wise, what we actually want, if it's feasible, etc. It all comes down to one thing really...are we, as believers, willing to obey--regardless of the cost.

    I've questioned myself MANY Times if what I am to do is because it's what I WANT or if it's what GOD wants. God is not a God of disorder but of peace (1 Cor. 14:33) Pay attention to that. Continue seeking Him.

    He WILL show you. Some wise person once told me (your amazing boss) that often times we already know the answer, we are just hesitant to recognize it.

    Plus, many, many times I've simply had to step out in faith trusting that if it was not His will, he would shut the door.

    Know that I pray you find discernment and wisdom in making this decision and then FULLY live in it with a joy that only come sfrom above!!

    Love ya!

