Saturday, July 30

Thoughts on July

What a month July has been!!! I commented to my husband last night that I felt like I'd been on call for the past month....he quickly agreed. Three out of the five weekends this month, I've been on call. One weekend I was in Lubbock for a family reunion, and this weekend, well, it's been pretty great. Last night, when I got home from work, I sat on the couch, with my husband, and just sat. No TV. No music. No Talking. It was so peaceful. No phone ringing. No one needing me or asking me to do anything. Just quiet.

Typically, being On Call for my job entails of telling a few people they have the wrong number or asking them to try calling back because the office phone has rolled over to the oncall phone. This month, however, was much different. Much much different. Sorry to be vague. When my husband reads this, he'll be mad and think I shouldn't have said anything, because I'm not going into full detail. But I feel like I owe my readers (however few of you there may be) an explanation for my month long absence from blogging. So, the only explanation I have is: I was living kinda craziness this past month, and the thought of trying to be happy and bloggy at the end of a day seemed too much. I'm sorry to have been gone for so long.

Although on call has been crazy this month, good things have happened as well. Since July 1st, I've gone to court to finalize five different adoptions!! These days are definitely highlighted in yellow and pick a sticker on them kind of days for me. It's so cool to see these individuals walk into a court room and see them emerge a family. I know that technically, love and relationships make a family, but there's something about the legality of having an Adoption Decree to prove to each other, and the world, that we are a family. I think it's beautiful.

As I mentioned, my husband and I also went to my family reunion in Lubbock this past month. That was a L-O-N-G weekend. Overall, I'd say we had a good time. It was hot and uncomfortable at times, but nice to be in the company of those who love you. While there, I gave my niece a huge piece of watermelon. It was hilarious watching her eat and enjoy!!! Well, at least her Uncles and Aunts thought so...mommy and daddy weren't as impressed.

A tradition at our reunions is to work on a puzzle. It usually takes the whole weekend, but this year, thanks to my husband's mad skills (and my aunt and uncles!), we were able to finish not one, but TWO!! Now, the hubs is completely hooked and has already added quite a few puzzles to him amazon wish list!! Here are the fruits of our labor!

Lastly, my mother in law hosted a party this month to celebrate July/August birthday's and the fact that one of my husband's cousin's is home on leave from the Army. She is the queen of themed parties, and this time it was a luau. Here is a beautiful picture of my husband's grandmother who is 93 years old!!! She is so beautiful, and in this photo, festive!!!!

Hope you enjoyed catching up on my past month. I must be honest and say I'm 100% glad this is the end of July. I am ready for a new month. Happy end of July everyone!!! Here's praying that August is (for me) better then July!!!!

Love, Mrs. M.


  1. Yes we did find the watermelon eating funny!

  2. Hoping August is better for you also.... practice saying over and over "Calm August" "Calm August" LOL
