Monday, September 26

Thoughts on Forgiveness

I'm sure we've all done it.It's easy to do. It's a lot harder to make the conscience choice to not do it. What am I talking about? Lashing out on someone else when it's your own junk and not theirs. I did this today. And as I was in the process of having me...moment...I had a second of clarity where I thought "STOP!". And thankfully, I listened to myself. But sadly, the "damage" had been done and I'd said things that 1.) Were rude and disrespectful and 2.) I didn't feel. Well, I didn't feel them to the extent that I lashed out. I guess that what I said I did, on some level, feel, but it wasn't as extreme and I made it out to be. I immediately apologized to the person I lashed out on. They told me "it's fine" but as the morning has worn on, I could see that I've really overstepped and quite probably hurt the person I lashed out on. I have now sent an apology e-mail (gotta love technology).

I say this story to ask this question: Why do I, and possibly we as humans, so desperately need the forgiveness of those we hurt? I feel the same way when I hurt my husband, I NEED to know that he forgives me and that we're "OK". Is it out of insecurity and a desire to be liked? Is it our of fear of the repercussions of them not forgiving you? 

Do you have thoughts?? Share em!!

Love, Mrs. M.

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